Hi, my name is

Ebrain Flores

Passionate about technology, application development and digital marketing.

¡Dale un vistazo a nuestros proyectos!
What do we offer?

Potenciamos tu éxito
empresarial con nuestra
fábrica de software y agencia
de marketing digital.


Combination of Skill & Experience


  • Cognitive Sciences

    University of Maine
    2018 - 2020

    The goal of cognitive science is to understand the principles of intelligence with the hope that this will lead to better comprehension.

  • Civil Engineering

    University of Texas
    2016 - 2017

    Civil engineering is arguably the oldest engineering discipline. It deals with the built environment and can be dated to the first time someone placed a roof.

  • Bachelor of Science

    Univercity of Dhaka
    2012 - 2015

    This project is called a thesis and is usually presented in front of a group of people, including university professors who will evaluate it and let the student..


  • UI/UX Designer

    Envato Market
    2018 - running

    Web Developers are build a website’s core structure using coding languages, while designers are more visually creative and user-focused.

  • Creative Designer

    Bahanno Digital
    2015 - 2017

    Web Developers are build a website’s core structure using coding languages, while designers are more visually creative and user-focused.

Personal Skills

Time Management 90%
Effeciency 70%
Intigrity 80%

Software Skills

  • Ms Office

  • Photoshop

  • Illustrator

  • Figma

About me

Co-Founder of KeyCore International.

Technology consultant and digital strategist.

As COO at KeyCore International, my passion for innovation and quality has led us to success in multiple countries. Our vision is to expand globally, providing scalable and adaptive solutions in software development and digital marketing.


Lo que opinan nuestros clientes


Consejos, tips y tendencias


Let's work together
